Coefficient field inversion in an elliptic partial differential equation

We consider the estimation of a coefficient in an elliptic partial differential equation as a first model problem. Depending on the interpretation of the unknowns and the type of measurements, this model problem arises, for instance, in inversion for groundwater flow or heat conductivity. It can also be interpreted as finding a membrane with a certain spatially varying stiffness. Let , be an open, bounded domain and consider the following problem:

where is the solution of

Here denotes the unknown coefficient field, the state variable, the (possibly noisy) data, a given volume force, and the regularization parameter.

The variational (or weak) form of the state equation:

Find such that

where is the space of functions vanishing on with square integrable derivatives.

Above, denotes the -inner product, i.e, for scalar functions defined on we write

and similarly for vector functions defined on we write

Gradient evaluation:

The Lagrangian functional is given by

Then the gradient of the cost functional with respect to the parameter is

where is the solution of the forward problem,

and is the solution of the adjoint problem,

Steepest descent method.

Written in abstract form, the steepest descent methods computes an update direction in the direction of the negative gradient defined as

where the evaluation of the gradient involve the solution and of the forward and adjoint problem (respectively) for .

Then we set , where the step length is chosen to guarantee sufficient descent.


By the end of this notebook, you should be able to:

Mathematical tools used:

Import dependencies

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import dolfin as dl
from hippylib import nb

import numpy as np
import logging



Model set up:

As in the introduction, the first thing we need to do is to set up the numerical model.

In this cell, we set the mesh mesh, the finite element spaces Vm and Vu corresponding to the parameter space and state/adjoint space, respectively. In particular, we use linear finite elements for the parameter space, and quadratic elements for the state/adjoint space.

The true parameter mtrue is the finite element interpolant of the function

The forcing term f and the boundary conditions u0 for the forward problem are

# create mesh and define function spaces
nx = 32
ny = 32
mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(nx, ny)
Vm = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
Vu = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)

# The true and initial guess for inverted parameter
mtrue = dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('std::log( 8. - 4.*(pow(x[0] - 0.5,2) + pow(x[1] - 0.5,2) < pow(0.2,2) ) )', degree=5), Vm)

# define function for state and adjoint
u = dl.Function(Vu)
m = dl.Function(Vm)
p = dl.Function(Vu)

# define Trial and Test Functions
u_trial, m_trial, p_trial = dl.TrialFunction(Vu), dl.TrialFunction(Vm), dl.TrialFunction(Vu)
u_test,  m_test,  p_test  = dl.TestFunction(Vu),  dl.TestFunction(Vm),  dl.TestFunction(Vu)

# initialize input functions
f  = dl.Constant(1.0)
u0 = dl.Constant(0.0)

# plot
nb.plot(mesh, subplot_loc=121, mytitle="Mesh", show_axis='on')
nb.plot(mtrue, subplot_loc=122, mytitle="True parameter field")


# set up dirichlet boundary conditions
def boundary(x,on_boundary):
    return on_boundary

bc_state = dl.DirichletBC(Vu, u0, boundary)
bc_adj   = dl.DirichletBC(Vu, dl.Constant(0.), boundary)

Set up synthetic observations:

To generate the synthetic observation we first solve the PDE for the state variable utrue corresponding to the true parameter mtrue. Specifically, we solve the variational problem

Find such that


Then we perturb the true state variable and write the observation ud as

Here the standard variation is proportional to noise_level.

# noise level
noise_level = 0.01

# weak form for setting up the synthetic observations
a_true = dl.inner( dl.exp(mtrue) * dl.grad(u_trial), dl.grad(u_test)) * dl.dx
L_true = f * u_test * dl.dx

# solve the forward/state problem to generate synthetic observations
A_true, b_true = dl.assemble_system(a_true, L_true, bc_state)

utrue = dl.Function(Vu)
dl.solve(A_true, utrue.vector(), b_true)

ud = dl.Function(Vu)

# perturb state solution and create synthetic measurements ud
# ud = u + ||u||/SNR * random.normal
MAX = ud.vector().norm("linf")
noise = dl.Vector()
noise.set_local( noise_level * MAX * np.random.normal(0, 1, len(ud.vector().get_local())) )

ud.vector().axpy(1., noise)

# plot
nb.multi1_plot([utrue, ud], ["State solution with mtrue", "Synthetic observations"])


The cost functional evaluation:

# Regularization parameter
gamma = 1e-9

# Define cost function
def cost(u, ud, m, gamma):
    reg = 0.5*gamma * dl.assemble( dl.inner(dl.grad(m), dl.grad(m))*dl.dx ) 
    misfit = 0.5 * dl.assemble( (u-ud)**2*dl.dx)
    return [reg + misfit, misfit, reg]

Setting up the variational form for the state/adjoint equations and gradient evaluation

Below we define the variational forms that appears in the the state/adjoint equations and gradient evaluations.


We also build the mass matrix that is used to discretize the inner product.

# weak form for setting up the state equation
a_state = dl.inner( dl.exp(m) * dl.grad(u_trial), dl.grad(u_test)) * dl.dx
L_state = f * u_test * dl.dx

# weak form for setting up the adjoint equations
a_adj = dl.inner( dl.exp(m) * dl.grad(p_trial), dl.grad(p_test) ) * dl.dx
L_adj = - dl.inner(u - ud, p_test) * dl.dx

# weak form for gradient
CTvarf    = dl.inner(dl.exp(m)*m_test*dl.grad(u), dl.grad(p)) * dl.dx
gradRvarf = dl.Constant(gamma)*dl.inner(dl.grad(m), dl.grad(m_test))*dl.dx

# Mass matrix in parameter space
Mvarf    = dl.inner(m_trial, m_test) * dl.dx
M = dl.assemble(Mvarf)

Finite difference check of the gradient

We use a finite difference check to verify that our gradient derivation is correct. Specifically, we consider a function and we verify that for an arbitrary direction we have

In the figure below we show in a loglog scale the value of as a function of . We observe that decays linearly for a wide range of values of , however we notice an increase in the error for extremely small values of due to numerical stability and finite precision arithmetic.

m0 = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(np.log(4.) ), Vm )

n_eps = 32
eps = np.power(2., -np.arange(n_eps))
err_grad = np.zeros(n_eps)


#Solve the fwd problem and evaluate the cost functional
A, state_b = dl.assemble_system (a_state, L_state, bc_state)
dl.solve(A, u.vector(), state_b)

c0, _, _ = cost(u, ud, m, gamma)

# Solve the adjoint problem and evaluate the gradient
adj_A, adjoint_RHS = dl.assemble_system(a_adj, L_adj, bc_adj)
dl.solve(adj_A, p.vector(), adjoint_RHS)

# evaluate the  gradient
grad0 = dl.assemble(CTvarf + gradRvarf)

# Define an arbitrary direction m_hat to perform the check 
mtilde = dl.Function(Vm).vector()
mtilde_grad0 = grad0.inner(mtilde)

for i in range(n_eps):
    m.vector().axpy(eps[i], mtilde)
    A, state_b = dl.assemble_system (a_state, L_state, bc_state)
    dl.solve(A, u.vector(), state_b)

    cplus, _, _ = cost(u, ud, m, gamma)
    err_grad[i] = abs( (cplus - c0)/eps[i] - mtilde_grad0 )

plt.loglog(eps, err_grad, "-ob", label="Error Grad")
plt.loglog(eps, (.5*err_grad[0]/eps[0])*eps, "-.k", label="First Order")
plt.title("Finite difference check of the first variation (gradient)")
plt.ylabel("Error grad")
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")


Initial guess

We solve the state equation and compute the cost functional for the initial guess of the parameter m0


# solve state equation
A, state_b = dl.assemble_system (a_state, L_state, bc_state)
dl.solve(A, u.vector(), state_b)

# evaluate cost
[cost_old, misfit_old, reg_old] = cost(u, ud, m, gamma)

# plot
nb.plot(m,subplot_loc=121, mytitle="m0", vmin=mtrue.vector().min(), vmax=mtrue.vector().max())
nb.plot(u,subplot_loc=122, mytitle="u(m0)")


We solve the constrained optimization problem using the steepest descent method with Armijo line search.

The stopping criterion is based on a relative reduction of the norm of the gradient (i.e. ).

The gradient is computed by solving the state and adjoint equation for the current parameter , and then substituing the current state , parameter and adjoint variables in the weak form expression of the gradient:

The Armijo line search uses backtracking to find such that a sufficient reduction in the cost functional is achieved. Specifically, we use backtracking to find such that:

# define parameters for the optimization
tol = 1e-4
maxiter = 1000
print_any = 10
plot_any = 50
c_armijo = 1e-5

# initialize iter counters
iter = 0
converged = False

# initializations
g = dl.Vector()

m_prev = dl.Function(Vm)

print( "Nit  cost          misfit        reg         ||grad||       alpha  N backtrack" )

while iter <  maxiter and not converged:

    # solve the adoint problem
    adj_A, adjoint_RHS = dl.assemble_system(a_adj, L_adj, bc_adj)
    dl.solve(adj_A, p.vector(), adjoint_RHS)

    # evaluate the  gradient
    MG = dl.assemble(CTvarf + gradRvarf)
    dl.solve(M, g, MG)

    # calculate the norm of the gradient
    grad_norm2 = g.inner(MG)
    gradnorm = np.sqrt(grad_norm2)
    if iter == 0:
        gradnorm0 = gradnorm

    # linesearch
    it_backtrack = 0
    alpha = 1.e5
    backtrack_converged = False
    for it_backtrack in range(20):
        m.vector().axpy(-alpha, g )

        # solve the state/forward problem
        state_A, state_b = dl.assemble_system(a_state, L_state, bc_state)
        dl.solve(state_A, u.vector(), state_b)

        # evaluate cost
        [cost_new, misfit_new, reg_new] = cost(u, ud, m, gamma)

        # check if Armijo conditions are satisfied
        if cost_new < cost_old - alpha * c_armijo * grad_norm2:
            cost_old = cost_new
            backtrack_converged = True
            alpha *= 0.5
            m.assign(m_prev)  # reset a
    if backtrack_converged == False:
        print( "Backtracking failed. A sufficient descent direction was not found" )
        converged = False

    sp = ""
    if (iter % print_any)== 0 :
        print( "%3d %1s %8.5e %1s %8.5e %1s %8.5e %1s %8.5e %1s %8.5e %1s %3d" % \
            (iter, sp, cost_new, sp, misfit_new, sp, reg_new, sp, \
            gradnorm, sp, alpha, sp, it_backtrack) )

    if (iter % plot_any)== 0 :
        nb.multi1_plot([m,u,p], ["m","u","p"], same_colorbar=False)
    # check for convergence
    if gradnorm < tol*gradnorm0 and iter > 0:
        converged = True
        print ("Steepest descent converged in ",iter,"  iterations")
    iter += 1
if not converged:
    print ( "Steepest descent did not converge in ", maxiter, " iterations")
Nit  cost          misfit        reg         ||grad||       alpha  N backtrack
  0   1.11658e-05   1.10372e-05   1.28638e-07   6.09224e-05   5.00000e+04     1


 10   3.07468e-06   2.81411e-06   2.60567e-07   9.96798e-06   2.50000e+04     2
 20   1.68333e-06   1.36733e-06   3.15999e-07   4.79045e-06   2.50000e+04     2
 30   1.08642e-06   7.90406e-07   2.96014e-07   1.08801e-06   1.00000e+05     0
 40   6.99077e-07   4.72703e-07   2.26374e-07   2.65053e-06   2.50000e+04     2
 50   4.33194e-07   2.77234e-07   1.55960e-07   1.89540e-06   2.50000e+04     2


 60   2.08625e-07   1.30743e-07   7.78817e-08   2.16983e-06   2.50000e+04     2
 70   6.76060e-08   4.57894e-08   2.18166e-08   8.24665e-07   5.00000e+04     1
 80   1.48917e-08   1.10392e-08   3.85253e-09   6.15229e-07   5.00000e+04     1
 90   6.29351e-09   4.15392e-09   2.13959e-09   1.56127e-07   5.00000e+04     1
100   5.60737e-09   3.69792e-09   1.90946e-09   4.43594e-08   5.00000e+04     1


110   5.50313e-09   3.68332e-09   1.81981e-09   1.54409e-08   5.00000e+04     1
120   5.46016e-09   3.69724e-09   1.76293e-09   1.25966e-08   5.00000e+04     1
130   5.43430e-09   3.70647e-09   1.72783e-09   1.07081e-08   5.00000e+04     1
140   5.41730e-09   3.71189e-09   1.70542e-09   9.20452e-09   5.00000e+04     1
150   5.40583e-09   3.71517e-09   1.69066e-09   7.93538e-09   5.00000e+04     1


Steepest descent converged in  153   iterations
nb.multi1_plot([mtrue, m], ["mtrue", "m"])
nb.multi1_plot([u,p], ["u","p"], same_colorbar=False)



Hands on

Question 1

Report the number of steepest descent iterations for a discretization of the domain with , , , finite elements and give the number of unknowns used to discretize the log diffusivity field m for each of these meshes. Discuss how the number of iterations changes as the inversion parameter mesh is refined, i.e., as the parameter dimension increases. Is steepest descent method scalable with respect to the parameter dimension?

The number of interations increases as we refine the mesh. Steepest descent method is not scalable with respect to the parameter dimension.

Question 2

Add the advective term to the inverse problem and its hIPPYlib/FEniCS implementation and plot the resulting reconstruction of for a noise level of 0.01 and for a reasonably chosen regularization parameter.

See function def AddDiffInverseProblem(nx, ny, v, gamma, useTV, TVeps, plotting) for the implementation. Using Morozov’s discrepancy principle we chose the regularization parameter .

Question 3

Since the coefficient is discontinuous, a better choice of regularization is total variation rather than Tikhonov regularization, to prevent an overly smooth reconstruction. Modify the implementation and plot the result for a reasonably chosen regularization parameter . Use to make the non-differentiable TV regularization term differentiable ( has the same meaning as in Lab 2). In other words, your regularization functional should be:

See function def AddDiffInverseProblem(nx, ny, v, gamma, useTV, TVeps, plotting) for the implementation. Using Morozov’s discrepancy principle we choose the regularization parameter .

def AddDiffInverseProblem(nx, ny, v, gamma, useTV=False, TVeps=None, plotting=False):
    mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(nx, ny)
    Vm = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    Vu = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)

    # The true and initial guess for inverted parameter
    mtrue = dl.interpolate(
            dl.Expression('std::log( 8. - 4.*(pow(x[0] - 0.5,2) + pow(x[1] - 0.5,2) < pow(0.2,2) ) )', degree=5),

    # define function for state and adjoint
    u = dl.Function(Vu)
    m = dl.Function(Vm)
    p = dl.Function(Vu)

    # define Trial and Test Functions
    u_trial, m_trial, p_trial = dl.TrialFunction(Vu), dl.TrialFunction(Vm), dl.TrialFunction(Vu)
    u_test,  m_test,  p_test  = dl.TestFunction(Vu),  dl.TestFunction(Vm),  dl.TestFunction(Vu)

    # initialize input functions
    f  = dl.Constant(1.0)
    u0 = dl.Constant(0.0)
    # set up dirichlet boundary conditions
    def boundary(x,on_boundary):
        return on_boundary

    bc_state = dl.DirichletBC(Vu, u0, boundary)
    bc_adj   = dl.DirichletBC(Vu, dl.Constant(0.), boundary)
    # noise level
    noise_level = 0.01

    # weak form for setting up the synthetic observations
    a_true = dl.inner( dl.exp(mtrue) * dl.grad(u_trial), dl.grad(u_test)) * dl.dx \
            +, dl.grad(u_trial))*u_test*dl.dx
    L_true = f * u_test * dl.dx

    # solve the forward/state problem to generate synthetic observations
    A_true, b_true = dl.assemble_system(a_true, L_true, bc_state)

    utrue = dl.Function(Vu)
    dl.solve(A_true, utrue.vector(), b_true)

    ud = dl.Function(Vu)

    # perturb state solution and create synthetic measurements ud
    # ud = u + ||u||/SNR * random.normal
    MAX = ud.vector().norm("linf")
    noise = dl.Vector()
    noise.set_local( noise_level * MAX * np.random.normal(0, 1, len(ud.vector().get_local())) )
    ud.vector().axpy(1., noise)

    if plotting:
        nb.multi1_plot([utrue, ud], ["State solution with mtrue", "Synthetic observations"])
    # Define cost function
    def cost(u, ud, m, gamma):
        if useTV:
            reg = gamma * dl.assemble( dl.sqrt(dl.inner(dl.grad(m), dl.grad(m)) + TVeps)*dl.dx ) 
            reg = 0.5* gamma * dl.assemble( dl.inner(dl.grad(m), dl.grad(m))*dl.dx )
        misfit = 0.5 * dl.assemble( (u-ud)**2*dl.dx)
        return [reg + misfit, misfit, reg]
    # weak form for setting up the state equation
    a_state = dl.inner( dl.exp(m) * dl.grad(u_trial), dl.grad(u_test)) * dl.dx \
              +, dl.grad(u_trial))*u_test*dl.dx
    L_state = f * u_test * dl.dx

    # weak form for setting up the adjoint equations
    a_adj = dl.inner( dl.exp(m) * dl.grad(p_trial), dl.grad(p_test) ) * dl.dx \
            +, dl.grad(p_test))*p_trial*dl.dx
    L_adj = - dl.inner(u - ud, p_test) * dl.dx

    # weak form for gradient
    CTvarf    = dl.inner(dl.exp(m)*m_test*dl.grad(u), dl.grad(p)) * dl.dx
    if useTV:
        gradRvarf = ( dl.Constant(gamma)/dl.sqrt(dl.inner(dl.grad(m), dl.grad(m)) + TVeps) )* \
                     dl.inner(dl.grad(m), dl.grad(m_test))*dl.dx
        gradRvarf = dl.Constant(gamma)*dl.inner(dl.grad(m), dl.grad(m_test))*dl.dx

    # Mass matrix in parameter space
    Mvarf    = dl.inner(m_trial, m_test) * dl.dx
    M = dl.assemble(Mvarf)
    m0 = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(np.log(4.) ), Vm )

    # solve state equation
    A, state_b = dl.assemble_system (a_state, L_state, bc_state)
    dl.solve(A, u.vector(), state_b)

    # evaluate cost
    [cost_old, misfit_old, reg_old] = cost(u, ud, m, gamma)

    if plotting:
        nb.plot(m,subplot_loc=121, mytitle="m0", vmin=mtrue.vector().min(), vmax=mtrue.vector().max())
        nb.plot(u,subplot_loc=122, mytitle="u(m0)")

    tol = 1e-4
    maxiter = 1000
    c_armijo = 1e-5

    # initialize iter counters
    iter = 0
    converged = False

    # initializations
    g = dl.Vector()

    m_prev = dl.Function(Vm)

    while iter <  maxiter and not converged:

        # solve the adoint problem
        adj_A, adjoint_RHS = dl.assemble_system(a_adj, L_adj, bc_adj)
        dl.solve(adj_A, p.vector(), adjoint_RHS)

        # evaluate the  gradient
        MG = dl.assemble(CTvarf + gradRvarf)
        dl.solve(M, g, MG)

        # calculate the norm of the gradient
        grad_norm2 = g.inner(MG)
        gradnorm = np.sqrt(grad_norm2)
        if iter == 0:
            gradnorm0 = gradnorm

        # linesearch
        it_backtrack = 0
        alpha = 1.e5
        backtrack_converged = False
        for it_backtrack in range(20):
            m.vector().axpy(-alpha, g )

            # solve the state/forward problem
            state_A, state_b = dl.assemble_system(a_state, L_state, bc_state)
            dl.solve(state_A, u.vector(), state_b)

            # evaluate cost
            [cost_new, misfit_new, reg_new] = cost(u, ud, m, gamma)

            # check if Armijo conditions are satisfied
            if cost_new < cost_old - alpha * c_armijo * grad_norm2:
                cost_old = cost_new
                backtrack_converged = True
                alpha *= 0.5
                m.assign(m_prev)  # reset a
        if backtrack_converged == False:
            print( "Backtracking failed. A sufficient descent direction was not found" )
            converged = False
        # check for convergence
        if gradnorm < tol*gradnorm0 and iter > 0:
            converged = True
            print ("Steepest descent converged in ",iter,"  iterations")
        iter += 1
    if not converged:
        print ( "Steepest descent did not converge in ", maxiter, " iterations")
    if plotting:
        nb.multi1_plot([mtrue, m], ["mtrue", "m"])
        nb.multi1_plot([u,p], ["u","p"], same_colorbar=False)
    Mstate = dl.assemble(u_trial*u_test*dl.dx)
    noise_norm2 = noise.inner(Mstate*noise)
    return Vm.dim(), iter, noise_norm2, cost_new, misfit_new, reg_new
## Question 1
ns = [8,16,32, 64]
niters = []
ndofs  = []

for n in ns:
    ndof, niter, _,_,_,_ = AddDiffInverseProblem(nx=n, ny=n, v=dl.Constant((0., 0.)),
                                         gamma = 1e-9, useTV=False, plotting=False)
plt.semilogx(ndofs, niters)
plt.ylim([0, 1000])
plt.xlabel("Parameter dimension")
plt.ylabel("Number of iterations")
Steepest descent converged in  135   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  143   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  153   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  357   iterations

Text(0,0.5,'Number of iterations')


## Question 2
n = 16
gammas = [1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10]
misfits = []

for gamma in gammas:
    ndof, niter, noise_norm2, cost,misfit,reg = AddDiffInverseProblem(nx=n, ny=n, v=dl.Constant((30., 0.)),
                                         gamma = gamma, useTV=False, plotting=False)
plt.loglog(gammas, misfits, "-*b", label="Misfit")
plt.loglog([gammas[0],gammas[-1]], [.5*noise_norm2, .5*noise_norm2], "-r", label="Squared norm noise")
plt.title("Morozov discrepancy principle")
plt.xlabel("Regularization parameter")
plt.ylabel("Misfit cost")

print("Solve for gamma = ", 1e-9)
_ = AddDiffInverseProblem(nx=n, ny=n, v=dl.Constant((30., 0.)), gamma = 1e-8, useTV=False, plotting=True)
Steepest descent converged in  233   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  154   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  139   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  256   iterations


Solve for gamma =  1e-09



Steepest descent converged in  154   iterations



## Question 3
n = 16
gammas = [1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10]
misfits = []

for gamma in gammas:
    ndof, niter, noise_norm2, cost,misfit,reg = AddDiffInverseProblem(nx=n, ny=n, v=dl.Constant((30., 0.)),
                                         gamma = gamma, useTV=True, TVeps=dl.Constant(0.1), plotting=False)
plt.loglog(gammas, misfits, "-*b", label="Misfit")
plt.loglog([gammas[0],gammas[-1]], [.5*noise_norm2, .5*noise_norm2], "-r", label="Squared norm noise")
plt.title("Morozov discrepancy principle")
plt.xlabel("Regularization parameter")
plt.ylabel("Misfit cost")

print("Solve for gamma = ", 1e-8)
_ = AddDiffInverseProblem(nx=n, ny=n, v=dl.Constant((30., 0.)), gamma = 1e-8, useTV=True,
                      TVeps=dl.Constant(0.1), plotting=True)
Steepest descent converged in  928   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  376   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  192   iterations
Steepest descent converged in  267   iterations


Solve for gamma =  1e-08



Steepest descent converged in  376   iterations



Copyright © 2016-2018, The University of Texas at Austin & University of California, Merced. All Rights reserved. See file COPYRIGHT for details.

This file is part of the hIPPYlib library. For more information and source code availability see

hIPPYlib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.0 dated June 1991.